William Chisholm previously lived at 11 Queen's Square. He was the Verger of St Paul's Church in West Street. William lived here with his wife Jane and their children. He died in 1871. After his death his wife Jane remained here until her death in 1885. Living at this address with her was Reverend Thornton who remained here after her death with Jane's daughter.
By 1901 the cottage was owned by a Mrs Marchant. By 1906 112 Elm Grove had become a dairy run by H. Guy. Apparently there was access via Luther Street through an arch where the horses would go to the back of the premises. By the mid 1920s H.Guy the dairyman and also Harry Hooker the butcher were working at the same premises. By 1928 Harry Hooker had taken over the premises as a butchers. According to the last owners the animals were slaughtered out the back of the premises.
A butchers was here up until the early 1970s.
Elm Grove Vacuum Centre finally closed it's doors today ( Oct 4th 2014) after 40 years of trading here.