The first mention of a pub at this address that I could find was in 1872 where it is described as a Beer House. It was run by George Harwood briefly. It wasn't until 1880 that it is first mentioned as the Balcony Tavern (probably named because it is the only property on that stretch of Elm Grove with a little balcony).
In 1875 it was being run by Charles Phelps who previously had the Flying Dutchman. After running the Balcony Tavern, Charles Phelps went on to run the Brighton Tavern, just up the road on the corner of Milton Road.
1881 saw the Balcony Tavern being run by William Stanford and his wife Sarah.
By 1901 the pub was being run by John Goodman from Winchester and his wife Harriet. In 1903 the pub closed and the following year number 20 Elm Grove became a greengrocers.