About me and this site
This website represents part of my collection of photographs, which I have been taking around Brighton since the mid 1980s. I became interested in local history during my time at Elm Grove Junior School, where we were taught the history of our school. I was completely engrossed in the topic.
My parents bought me my first local history book around this time. During my late teens, I bought a couple of Brighton books by James Gray. I was so impressed with the history he’d captured, I realised that the ‘now’ needed capturing for the future too. So mainly on a Sunday, when the shops would be shut, and there was little else to do, myself and my friend Simona would go out to take photographs. Something I continue to do today.
When I started, my photography skills were not of a good standard, but it shows you what our town looked like over the years. Also many of my photos were damaged due to a water tank leak. Many I salvaged and sadly many I lost too. I believe that every photograph captures a moment in time, and sometimes the older developing techinques (and even water damage!) can help transport us back to earlier days.
My website is being updated regularly, so do pop back to see what I have added. I hope you enjoy it,
Carol Homewood.